Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Great Kitchen Adventure

Once upon a time, my sister-in-law Faith and I decided that the Monroe house had been under the oppressive rule of twin tyrants Disorganization and Clutter far too long, and we prepared for battle. With Lysol wipes and scrubbers in hand, we tackled the kitchen.

The battle was sore and I failed to capture much of the proceedings, but here is a dramatic rendering that was taken mid-strife.

What is so significant about this, you ask? I, in all my twenty years, have never seen this particular spot of counter top. A true miracle!

My personal victory. Disorganization was banished from this drawer in the space of an afternoon.

Clutter put up a valiant fight for the hutch, but after throwing a thousand useless papers away, we gained a foothold.

Most silliness aside, it was quite the experience, and I'm pretty proud of the final product. Thanks for the help, Faith!

And for a bonus, Bree and Carson being their cute little selves. :)


  1. Holy Cow!!!!! That is AMAZING....I need to come see this for myself...Great Job guys...I think you deserve an around of applause ;)

  2. I have never seen that part of the counter ethier. You two are amazing.

  3. I am so happy you guys did that for Mom! Now, we tackle the cupboards and ceiling next?!...
