Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lagoon, and Other Exciting Adventures

Okay, more crazy kid stuff, because . . . well, what else do I have to take pictures of? And besides, sometimes there's just nothing more entertaining than children being children. Ya'll ready? Okey dokey.

Super cute picture of Alison. If I ever take one that's NOT cute, I'll be sure to post it. Otherwise, no one will believe me.

Jarrett making an important call. I love how the "dashboard" is just hanging there while he holds the phone.

"Return of the Jedi Baby"!
This picture never fails to crack me up.

Haha, Bree being hysterical as usual.

Our good friend Becky gave the kids a quilting kit, but we decided to make scarves instead so each kid could have their own, and Grandma too. Thanks, Becky! Everyone loved them, and it kept the little ones busy for a nice long time, not to mention warm and cozy. :)

We had the tent set up in the backyard from when Nicole and I did this. Of course, the kids loved playing in it. Carson, Ronny, and Bree having a grand ol' time.

Ronny looking innocent as he whacks his cousin upside the head. Silly babies!

Ronny being his hilarious little self. And eating, of course.

I bet you were all beginning to wonder where Lagoon was going to come in, right? Well, wonder no more. Actually, I meant to post the Lagoon pictures first, but even though I've posted almost 50 times, I forgot that the pictures load in reverse order. Ahem.

Ali loved this car ride. Doesn't she look awesome in that little tiny car?

Ali and Jarrett on a boat ride. The little kid in the boat behind them screamed bloody murder the whole time. It was . . . annoying.

This picture is a little blurry, but Neil's expression is priceless. Poor Jarrett looks like he's about to cry, but he was fine once he got used to it. Ali is next to him, and Rachel is up by Neil but her arm is in front of her face.

Ali, Ronny, and Rachel in the bumper cars. For some reason, I don't have any pictures of Jarrett in the bumper cars, even though he rode them about a hundred times.

Aaaand . . . let's finish things off with a nice video, shall we?

For more pictures of the Lagoon Adventure (including a couple rare pictures of me) check out Tyann's blog: Besides seeing the pictures, her blog will also help you get in the mood for fall. :)


  1. Thanks for posting these, Becca! That picture of Neil and Jarrett making faces is priceless. I love the picture of Ronny in his diaper. And I think he always has a bib on in these pictures. Poor baby.

  2. Cute!! It was fun to see the scarves everyone made!!
