Friday, May 15, 2009

My Trip to Cali

So, tragically, my camera got buried in a duffel bag full of blankets when I moved my stuff from my apartment back home (yes, I now reside in Orem again) and I didn't find it until AFTER I got home from my two-week California adventure. I was very sad. My roommates that I went with got some pictures but I don't have access to them yet, so you'll have to deal with a big chunk of text because I'm going to tell you about it with or without accompanying photos. Sorry.

We, my roommates Lauren, Sarah, Courtney, and I, left for Cali on the twenty-second, the last day of finals. We didn't get going until five in the afternoon so we decided to spend the night in Vegas with Lauren's good friend, Courtney Waldron. We eventually made it to Orange, which is where Lauren lives, without any mishaps, though we did have an almost run-in with the Italian mafia on Zzyzx Road. Lauren and Courtney both live in the same area so Sarah and I met their families and then got our stuff settled in at Lauren's house.

That night we went to a Duck's game, and felt an earthquake! It was just a little one, but it was kind of exciting.

The next day we went to the Getty museum in LA which is really cool and free, and then we drove up Hollywood hills to see the sign. That night we went to a beach party but it got broken up by the cops because it was after ten or some such nonsense.

The next morning we headed to Corona Del Mar beach which was gorgeous. It was kind of cold because of a breeze, but we had fun in the water anyway. It was the first time I've ever gotten more than my feet wet in the ocean! Lauren and Courtney insisted Sarah and I go completely under even though the water was freezing.

The next few days we hung out with Lauren's friends and family and watched movies and ate delicious food. On the twenty-ninth we went to the San Diego Zoo which was way fun! We spent all day there and took two of Lauren's nieces and nephews with us: Daniel and Katie.

The next day we went to the beach again and saw sea lions and dolphins! That night we had a bonfire on the beach and I lost my new flip-flops.

We went to Venice Beach a couple days later and it was so fun! It's basically this open market kind of deal where people just set up their little stalls along the sidewalk and you can find really strange things and people there.

Then we went to Disneyland! Lauren's sister's friend works there and got us in for free, and it was also Sarah's birthday so the day was fantastic.

Our second-to-last day we went to LA again to check out the La Brea tar pits and the accompanying museum. That night Lauren's sunday school teacher took the whole young adult sunday school class out to dinner at this awesome little restaurant called Ruby's on the Pier, and yes, it is literally on the pier.

Our flight home left at 7:30 PM so we went to LA again that morning to see the stars on Hollywood Boulevard before heading to the airport. It was a nice short flight and we were home again!

Wow, that turned out really long. So, if you made it all the way to the bottom, congratulations! Maybe someday I'll post some pictures . . .


  1. Party's on the beach, cops, swimming in the ocean, Disneyland for FREE, LA, good food, bonfires! What could be better? Oh, I know. If you had your big sister there with you! :)
    I'm so glad you had such a good time. Now, just wait until November! What an experience that will be for you! Someday we need to go back to Europe and take you with us!!!
