Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Shindig

Memorial Day was really fun this year! We (Mom, Dad, Neil and I) went to Scipio which is where my grandparents lived before they passed away and where I remember spending pretty much every Memorial Day, and had a family picnic. It was mostly my dad's cousins and their families who were there, and most of them I didn't know, but it gave me a great opportunity to meet new people. Actually, I probably have met most of them before but just don't remember. Anyway, the Monroe family is made up of super friendly, nice, people so it wasn't too hard to make friends!

This is my adorable 2nd cousin, Landon. I think. I'm not 100% sure how we're related, but I think he's my dad's cousin's son. Everyone loved him and his bubbly little personality. My mom said he should be the poster child for America!

Neil and my cousin Erica's little boy, Parker, sharing a snack. It looks like Neil is about to eat a Cheeto or something, but it's actually a baby snack that was pretty weird tasting. Neil liked them though, almost as much as cute little Parker!

My cousin Laura playing with her niece, Aubry.

My cousin James helping his nephew, Parker, down the stairs. James is just two weeks (ish) older than Neil and most of us think they look a lot alike. They were both so good with the little kids, chasing them around and playing on the playground with them. They're good guys!

Aubry telling me how old she is. We had three babies born right in a row in the family: Jarrett, Conley (my other cousin's little boy), and Aubry.

This is my dad teasing Aubry. That's my cousin Ashley (Aubry's mom) in the white shirt.

Thanks for being so awesome, family! I love you!


  1. I really wish we would have been there. I'm so sick of not having money so we can do things. Dave has a couple students that are going to help us fix the van, but until then, no big trips. We missed you all too!!!!

  2. I wish I could have gone down with my mom and dad but I felt like I needed to stay and fulfill my calling. (stupid calling) I miss you come up and see us some time.
