Sunday, October 19, 2008


Yesterday I had a very cool experience. I went to the Bodyworlds exhibit with my kung fu family! I don't know if you guys have heard of it, but basically, this guy decided it would be cool to take human bodies and "plastinize" them. So the exhibit is of real human bodies that have been turned into plastic! Sounds freaky but it's not as scary as it sounds. They pose the people doing different things, so you can kinda see what's going on with the muscles. There was a guy throwing a javelin, and this girl who was doing a bit of archery:

We thought this one was funny because it looks like she has her hair in a bun, but that's really her brain sitting on top of her skull! There were all kinds people displayed doing different things, and then individual joints and organs were also displayed. At the end we even got to touch a real liver that had been plastinized! Probably the coolest thing was that they were able to preserve individual veins and arteries, and even the tiny capillaries! Here's a picture of someone's skull that they stripped all the muscles from and just left the veins:

So amazing! You can see why face wounds bleed a lot. I asked Sifu why there had to be so much blood in our ears, and he said that blood has to reach every cell of living tissue, which I probably should have known . . . Sifu also pointed out to us different muscles and joints that someone had either hurt, or was likely to hurt during training, and showed us how fragile wrist bones and floating ribs were. He also showed us where to hit people to damage their liver, kidneys, etc. Very, very awesome! I would definitely recommend the exhibit, just don't go get steaks afterward. :)


  1. Ya know, I talked to Mom about this, and even though it is cool, and very educational, I don't know if I would like it. Especially the baby ones. I'm glad you got to go, but I'll let your experience count for me, okay?! Glad to see you had fun. Love ya!
