Thursday, June 4, 2009


My mother has been in Hawaii since the day after graduation (the 29th), and I am most certainly ready for her to return. I'm really glad she got to go - she's been wanting to go to Hawaii for probably her whole life - but I am kind of done being the mom at our house. :)

Anyway, she went with some of our most excellent friends, the Kreises, and they got pedicures before they went. Mom insisted I take pictures of her toes before they "got ruined." So, here you go. Tyann, she especially wanted you to see, so tell her I did a good job next time you talk to her. ;)

Mom's toes (white sandal), Bridget Kreis's toes (black shoe), Becky Kreis's toes (tan sandal).


  1. Tell Mom, RIGHT ON!!!! She deserves to be pampered, even if it is just a pedicure! How fun for her. I love the flowers!!
    On another note, I'm sure you ARE sick of being mommy to our homekeeping-challenged men in the family! Miss you, love you, can't wait to see you! :)
    Loved the weird cakes, by the way. Some people just shouldn't try out their creative juices!

  2. I think you deserve a week in Hawaii after playing mom for a week, especially after taking care of Neilina. ;)He's a good guy, just "scheduly" challenged and absent minded. It's enough to make anyone go a little crazy.
