Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Neily's Birthday

Neil's birthday was on the 26th of September. The big 19! People keep telling me I should call him my younger brother instead of my little brother, considering he's much taller than me by now, but there's a lot of "baby Neil" still in him. :) I love my little brother!

Neilybob reading his birthday card.

Neilykins opening his present: Beatles Rock Band! It is a ridiculous amount of fun . . .

We went down to Cedar City and Tyann made another one of her INCREDIBLE cakes! This looks EXACTLY like Neil's phone, to which he is a bit attached. Isn't it cool? The Neily loves Tyann's fondant cakes.

Contemplating his wish . . .

A few days later, Neilina had his friend party. Of course, there was much playing of Beatles Rock Band. And pizza. This is Neily and his friends Mike (left) and Spencer (right).

The whole crew.

A heartfelt(?) rendition of "Twist and Shout." One of them said it best: "Only choir kids can sing this bad." Take from that statement what you will.

"Here Comes the Sun," sung by the Chipmunks. Who were on crack at the very least (you know I'm kidding, right?). Note: you have to try really hard to fail the vocals on Beatles Rock Band. These kids have skills.

Anyway, happy birthday, Neilyboy! You are one fantastic kid. :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy Birthday Neilina!! That must have been so much fun!!! I really LOVE the cake Tyann made, she's got MAD cake making skills!

  3. I tried to post earlier, but it didn't publish, so I'll try again.
    That party looked crazy! I'm glad Neil got a fun party. By the way, is that him on the couch next to you in the video? I ask because whoever it is, they are playing with a cell phone.
