Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another Adorable Children Post!

We went down to Cedar City this past weekend and I managed to take about two-hundred and fifty pictures. Good grief. The kids are just so cute that I can never help it, though. :)

These first three are ones that I really like because no one is paying attention to the camera. I really like capturing people just doing the things they do - stealth photography, you could call it.

(playing Down by the Banks, not holding a seance, by the way)

Okay, so Neil is paying attention to the camera in this one, but he doesn't count.

Rachel (movie star)

Alison (model)

Jarrett (cowboy)

Ronny (philosopher)

We finished off the weekend by blowing some bubbles. Obviously, I have way more pictures than this, but I'm too lazy to post more at the moment. Thanks for sharing your kids, Tyann! :)


  1. I LOVE sharing my kids with you guys! They always have SOOOOOOOO much fun!!! I'm so glad you came, and we can't wait to see you all again!

  2. I love the pictures. Bree talks about Tyann's family just about every day. I'll have to show her these pictures. I told her that we were going to have Ali come over and she was thrilled. I realized that she thought I was talking about Ali Pangan, but it's our new neighbor girl. Thanks for posting pictures of the family Becca!
    I must say, I love stealth pictures, too. ;)
