Sunday, March 1, 2009

Growing Old is Inevitable, Growing Up is Not . . .

I recently commented to one of my friends that I seem to be growing more mature in some areas of my life but less mature in others. For instance, I am getting better at boring grown-up things like managing money and studying, but yesterday I bought myself pirate bandaids and put one on the back of my hand even though I didn't have an owie. In fact, I am wearing one on my finger right this very minute. It's strange, but wearing my pirate bandaids makes me feel like I have license to act a little childlike. I used the words "pretty, pretty please" to ask my mom for something, and I have this strange urge to stick my lower lip out when things don't go my way. I suppose that means I shoul stop wearing my pirate bandaids, but I don't want to! So, if you see me wearing one, please excuse the occasional pout. And no, nieces and nephews, you can't have one. They're mine.

P.S. I was just going through my pictures and realized that I have a ton of fun stuff to post about, so stay tuned and I might even get them on here in chronological order. :)


  1. Rebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca!!! You are so silly! I miss you soooooooo much!!! Too bad about not letting your nieces and nephews have a band aid. We're out! :(

  2. You have inspired me to buy Princess band aids!! I totally know what you mean about acting like a kid... but then being more mature in other aspects of life... Growing up is WEIRD!!
