This Christmas was rather extended, but very fun. We started out on Christmas Day with my parents, Neil, Aunt Sharon and I, and by the time we were finished unwrapping, the Eshelmans got to the house and round two began! The next day the Pangans came and we had round three! It was very exciting. Anyway, enough talking. Here are some pics:

Bree was excited about her new bear, and that's Aunt Sharon showing Carson
his new bear.

Carson's new toy!

Bree's favorite part of Christmas? The boxes!

If Bree's favorite part was the boxes, Ronny's was the wrapping paper. I love the slightly crazed look in his eyes in this one.

A cuddle brought on by Ali's new towel.

Rach and Ali opening presents.

Jarrett and Unca Neil.

Rachel and Ali helping Bree with her new dress-ups!

Cousins! These two should have a lot of fun together in a couple years.

Rachel leading Bree and Jarrett in "The Train." They did this
forever and I was worried they were going to pass out from giggling!
More cousin fun to wrap this up! Ronny growls and Bree thinks it's hilarious.
This is belated, but I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and I will try and get New Years pics up soon. :D
I love the pictures, and the clip. I love that you caught exactly how Ronny is. He's so happy all the time. You do know that now you're going to have to make me another CD of pictures, right? Thanks for posting such fun times. Hopefully we'll see you guys again soon! Love ya!