We all went down to Tyann and Dave's NEW house in Enoch for Memorial Day. It was quite the party!

I think this picture illustrates how different these two little guys are nicely. They totally crack me up!

Jarrett and Bree hopping around in pillowcases. Don't ask, 'cause I don't know.
We went to a nearby park for a traditional Memorial Day picnic of KFC. Me and the kids played a very interesting combo of Avatar and pirates. It was FUN.

A rare moment in which Carson was not running away screaming from his cousin.

Jarrett enjoying another traditional Memorial Day treat!

Who knew Bree's mouth was that big? ;)

Another rare moment in which Ronny and Carson appear to be getting along.
We also celebrated Rachel and Ronny's birthdays when we were there.

The birthday kids and cake.

I LOVE their dark eyes! Rachel looks far too grown up, though.

Ronny using chopsticks! As you can imagine, more ended up on the floor than in his mouth, but he had fun.
We also went to visit the St. George temple. It was so pretty and the kids loved it!

They were WAY more interested in the bugs that were gathering on the light than me taking their picture.

ALMOST everyone looking at the camera. Silly Jarrett!

The temple. I was surprised at how well my camera did in the poor lighting.

The kids on the temple steps. Ronny is trying to escape and Jarrett is making a funny face, but at least they're all looking! :)

And here's a big, happy Livvy-smile for you!