Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Deck the . . . Living Room?

Amy got our Christmas tree up today! He is a faithful little Christmas tree despite the fact that he's fake, which, I suppose, makes him more faithful as he won't die on us. :) Here is a little video that I uploaded mostly to see if it would work, and so you can hear the Christmas music in the background.

Those Are My Beaters!

Unfortunately, I didn't get very many Thanksgiving pictures. I was enjoying myself too much I guess! However, I did get several very adorable pictures of my hilarious two-year-old niece, Bree. Here's my favorite story from Thanksgiving:

Once upon a time, Bree was enjoying licking the beaters from the home-made whipped cream.

A little while later, we made home-made ranch dip and Bree wanted to lick them again.

It wasn't quite what she was expecting, but she still liked it. In fact, when Grandma tried to take the beaters to the sink, Bree cried, "Those are my beaters!" in a most hilarious fashion. We are still quoting her.